"Offensive Combat Redux"

"Offensive Combat Redux"
Reviewed by: Carless yen
I don't know where to start with this one really. I almost didn't want to review it because I couldn't find much to say about it that I enjoyed. I will say the customization is amazing. One of the most in depth character builders in a game yet. I had more fun making my guy, then actually playing the game. So many choices, and you can make some pretty original and hilarious people to play with, but your in first person so does it really matter? I guess so for the taunts, when you kill a guy you can dance on them , even tea bag them. It is funny at first, but like most the cheese in this game gets old really fast.
The guns are pretty cool I guess to. but after that everything is just mediocre, and just like tons of games before it. Really basic maps I feel I have seen a 100 times. Really can't find many people playing it either, but you can play against bots as well. I played with friends, and the fun just wasn't there very long. I have to say the entire experience was fairly mediocre. I'm not gonna write an entire story bashing a game, because it deserves better. I'm sure a lot of hard work went into this title, but it really came out unpolished, and bland. I can't recommend this to anyone, unless your just looking for a FPS you've never played that has a juvenile feel to it.
Pros: Cool Guns
AMAZING Character designing
Cons: Pretty much the entire game.
Overall 4 Ugh I hate being so negative about someones art, but cheesy as hell


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