Air Combat Action: Flying Tigers- Shadows Over China

"Air Combat Action: Flying Tigers- Shadows Over China"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Developer: ACE MADDOX
Publisher: ACE MADDOX
Platforms: Xbox and PC
I didn't think I'd enjoy this game as much as I did. Usually don't get into these flight simulator games, because of the controls and usually weak story telling. Flying Tigers was much more different though. It had more of a Arcade feel to it. The campaign was a little short though. i was able to beat it in around 3 to 4 hours. I did enjoy it though. It had a mix of a lot of different missions, so it wasn't just repetitive dog fights. It had missions where you took out ground enemies, boats, bridges and trains, missions where you flew in formations or landed to pick up comrades. It was a really nice mixture of objectives. Even had a really cool end of game credits song that left me feeling good upon completion. The story pretty much covers America and japan in the 40s during World War 2.

There isn't just a campaign though to keep you busy there are multiple challenge missions, Dog fights, and even free flights. There are tons of planes to unlock and play with as well. Also after you complete the campaign there are some pretty fun Achievements to go after. I had a lot of fun with these, and grabbed the complete 1000 another thing I didn't think I'd find myself doing. There are also a ton of Multiplayer modes as well, but I didn't have much luck finding players. Every once in awhile someone would wander in to a game so I was able to get my multiplayer achievements. Multiplayer has all out dogfights, team dog fights, capture the flag and more.

The look of Flying Tigers is more arcadish then anything. Some of the areas look good from a distance but up close look very original Xbox like. So it isn't anything amazing to look at while flying, but the art style of the game such as mission select and between missions art is really cool. I love the art they used. They even used it on some of the Achievements and sure some of those will be my Xbox backgrounds.
The sounds and voice acting is great. I have heard other reviews complaining, but I adored it. The pilots talking back and forth really gave me a Earth Defense force vibe. Some really cheesy action movie lines, and dialogue really made me laugh and get into it more. I wasn't blown away by Flying Tigers, but I wasn't disappointed either. I had a lot of fun with it, and played it like crazy for a few days.

Pros: Cool Art Style
Easy Arcade Controls
Fun and Entertaining Dialogue
Cool Achievements

Cons: Multiplayer kind of dead
Visuals aren't that great

Overall: 6.8 Flying Tigers isn't game of the year or anything, but it isn't a bad game either. It's good a few laughs also some fire fights alone, and with friends. Check it out if your into WW2 games, and or flying games.


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