
Reviewed by: Collin Smith
Genre: Party Game
Made by and Developed by: 13AM Games
Released on: August 27, 2015 (Xbox and PC)
In the last couple of years there have been a lot of party games released. I mostly play party games when I get on xbox with my friends. I must say I have enjoyed all of them. This game is not an exception. This game lets you play with a variety of players. You can fit nine people in one game. The interesting part about this game is when the background color changes then that color block is no longer useable to make your way to the trophy (which is how you win). You also can customize and play characters from their games. The character from knight shovel is in the game, and also shantea from the "Shantea Series". You have three different modes which are Run, Arena , and King of the Hill. The mode Run is played by you along with nine other players. You compete against each other to get the the trophy at the end. There are all kinds of obstacles that kill your character, and if you die you are out of that round. In Run mode you play the first to five. In the mode Arena you and nine others fight in different scenarios. In one round it might be the lava rising and you need to climb to the top to win. Then, in another round, it may be rain blocking your vision, and you can't fall or you're out. In the mode King of the Hill you fight for one objective, and the person who stands on it longer than ten seconds wins. There are different types of power ups that you use in the game that sometimes help you, but sometimes they hurt you. There is one power up that turns everything upside down and the controls are reversed so it's hard to win. There is also a campaign, and you can play with others. You go through a huge variety of levels. This game has boss battles in it and they get very intense. They are ranked green, yellow, and red. The red is the hardest, yellow is medium , and green the easiest. I loved playing this game! It's amazing and can fit a huge amount of people in one game.
+ Huge amount of people able to play
+ Very Competitive
+ Greatly Entertaining
+ Different Levels
- Power ups hurt you too
- Very little customization
Overall: 8
This game was amazing and the campaign had intense boss battles. I will play this game for hours and it's very entertaining. This game has all kinds of creative levels and always seems to be different. You can put all kinds of people in a game.


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