The Count Lucanor

"The Count Lucanor"
Reviewed by: Carless yen
Platform: Xbox One X

The Count Lucanor is a throwback to the days of the SNES. It has puzzle solving like you would find in Zelda mixed with a creepy atmosphere and stealth. You play as a small boy who finds out on his birthday that he isn't getting gifts or treats because his family is poor. So at the age of ten he decides he is a man, and will go out into the world to find treasure. His mother gives him pretty much all of their belongings to aid in his adventure, and warns him of the dangers of the woods at night. He doesn't listen and goes out on his journey. He meets many of interesting characters, and creatures on this journey. Some that are really funny, but also some that are really creepy. One a Count that gives you the task of figuring out his name based on clues within his castle. Doing so will ring you great treasure, as well as help other characters you meet along the way.
I loved the look and feel of this game. The environments look like they were pulled from a 90s style Super Nintendo game. It is really bright and colorful so are the cutscenes. They all add up to a really good story. it also has multiple endings so there is a lot of replay value. The game isn't really long either, so you won't mind playing it through again to get the different endings. All of the endings were really entertaining, and worth playing through again for in my opinion
The music and sounds all felt really retro as well. They all fit perfectly into the gameplay. Everything really comes together well though. I was really impressed with this game as a whole. I really couldn't find many negatives about this one. If I had to say something it would probably be the game's length, and the difficulty. It is kind of short, and really never becomes to much of a challenge. None of that really takes to much away from the game though. I really think fans of retro style games will really enjoy this one. It feels alot like Zelda meets Castlevania.

Pros: Awesome animation and level design
Fun story with great characters
Creepy atmosphere
Simple but entertaining Zelda like Puzzles
Replay Value, multiple endings.
Cons:Really Short

Overall: 7.7 A retro game that really brings something new to the table puzzles and horror. For any fans of retro feeling games wanting to try something different this is for you.


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