"Dead Cells"

"Dead Cells"
Reviewed by; Carless Yen
Publisher/Dev: Motion Twin
Platforms: Xbox, PS4, Steam, And Switch

Fans of Dark Souls and Indie Platformers this is the game you have been waiting on. Im so excited as I type out this review to finish , and get back to this game. The story doesn't even matter. All you know is you are some guy escaping from a prison cell, and awakened from the dead to go out on a journey. You see a pile of corpses before you, that are clearly you so you know this mission goes on and on. Everytime you die you have to start over from the very same spot. It is, and sounds hard but every time you die and start over you unlock things that make it easier the next time. I know I know it sounds repetitive but it isn't The areas are random generated so every time out it is a little different. This game certainly isn't going to hold your hand, it is a difficult game but every playthrough is more and more rewarding. As you unlock flasks, and weapons, etc.
The game is beautiful and colorful. The areas really gorgeous and catch your eye. The sounds and music amazing. Everything about this game is just perfection. The main thing in my opinion being the combat system, and replayability. The combat is fluid, as well as all the controls. Not since Dark Souls have I seen so many move sets, and techniques. Every jump is precise as well. This game just plays perfect, but you must play it perfect as well to survive. Deciding to roll, jump, block, attack when its called for, because some enemies late game can even one shot you. The bosses are really amazing and cool as well. You will certainly put a lot of time into this game, because you will be starting over a ton I'm sure. I see speedrunners falling in love with this as well. There is even a timer in game showing how long each play is taking, so you can see it on screen. A truly perfect game for runners.
The score I'm about to give this game, we don't hand out much but this one is really deserving. It does so much right, and very little wrong. If your a fan of Soulsborne and difficult platformers.roguelike games DO NOT miss this one. I highly recommend this title.

Pros: Tons of Replayability
Random Generated Environments
Excellent Combat and Move sets
Precise Controls
Good music and Sounds

Cons: Graphics aren't mind blowing
Story isn't really captivating

Overall: 9.8 Near Perfection when it comes to Rogue.Platforming games, everything your looking for especially for fans of Souls. Do Not miss this one, a instant classic.


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