"Deep Space Rush"

"Deep Space Rush"
Developer: Bug Studio
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Reviewed by: Carless yen
Platforms: PS4, Xbox, Vita, Switch
Price: 4.99
Release Date: 10-23-19

Deeps Space Rush is a randomly generated space adventure where you drop into a area that is never the same. The traps, enemies , weapon locations are always in different spots. You will even go in different directions from left to right. Each trip is different , but your character is the same. You pick up coins to purchase upgrades that carry over each trip. You can upgrade weapons, health bar, shield, and turbo. It isn't to hard to upgrade as you pick up a lot of coins on each journey. You will also upgrade many of cool weapons. Like laser rifles, electric guns that move around the map, and even a bubble bobble type gun where enemies get trapped in and float way. That is my favorite of course. You can also pick up shields that protect you, and a turbo that makes you run fast. That didn't really come in handy to me as I mostly just got hit a lot trying to run past every thing.
There are a bunch of different types of traps and enemies as well. Slugs fall from the ceiling and stick you your head converting your controls. Slugs that make the floor slimy and make it hard to run and jump. Slugs that explode and shoot projectiles.Monsters that charge after you, and some that even explode breaking the floor of the ship making a hole you can fall into for instant death. It is a lot of fast paced action, and loaded with replay value since you will want to improve your score as well as how many zones you progressed through. In that way it is like a lot of classic Atari games where it can be very addictive and frustrating.
The look and feel is very retro with colorful backgrounds. It doesn't change a whole lot though. One of my few cons really would have liked to seen the scenery change up a little. The music is really rad though from HateBit. Really does an amazing job on this soundtrack. The achievements are really simple as you expect from Ratalaika games. I think you can complete this in about 20 minutes, but bet you still keep playing it. The achievements/trophies are mainly for advancing through zones and killing a certain amount of enemies, but there are also some for upgrading something to max, and for dying. A really simple completion making this another affordable must for achievement/trophy hunters.

Pros: Colorful and bright backgrounds
Lots of replay value
Bunch of cool weapons and power ups
Cool Chip tune soundtrack from Hatebit
Easy Achievements and trophies

Cons: Levels look repetitive after awhile

Overall: 7.0 Another decent affordable pickup from Ratalaika to pad your gamer score , or just spend a evening with a affordable game.


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