"Hidden Through Time"

"Hidden Through Time"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Pub/Dev: Crazy Monkey Studios
Price: 7.99
Platform: Xbox One X
Release Date: 3/12/2020
Hidden through Time really reminded me of a classic game I used to love on the NES called "Where's Waldo" It has a lot more to offer than that old game did though. You can play across four time periods and each has a bunch of levels. You have to complete the level or I think you can skip and come back. The maps start really small and simple with just a few items to find. The further you go the more and more they start to grow. It gets almost scary how big they get to where you have to scroll over them , and zoom in and out. When you find them it will circle them and they also give you a small clue which will help a lot some times. It is really a lot of fun to play alone, with family, or even if you stream. People can lend a eye without needing the controller, and everyone has a good time doing so.

There are also map creation tools that can let you make some really amazing levels. I played some people's creations that might have been even better than some of the story ones. There are a lot of them that are really simple though. People created a lot to help with Achievement hunting. You will come across some that only have the 5 objects alone to find to help you collect your achievements faster. The Achievements are basically for finishing the story and online levels. If you are an Achievement hunter this is surely one to add to your collection. Really a simple 100% at an affordable price. This game delivers far more content than the price in my opinion. It kind of feels like this game may be unlimited replay value as I played hundreds of maps, and still wasn't even done with the user created ones. If you enjoy this game you could probably play it forever and never play the same level twice

I really enjoyed the music it is super relaxing, and the game is as well. This is one those games I really enjoyed in times like we are facing right now. A game you can sit down and enjoy stress free, and play away some of your stress. You may have to play in spurts though, because some of the bigger levels can be a strain on your eyes after awhile. I loved how the game looked as well. It had a lot of really cool characters , animals, and locations that I just found adorable to scroll through. The things are hidden so well to that I felt it delivered a nice challenge to me. Not one that is going to get to you though, just enough to keep it interesting and fun. This is one of the more addictive games I've played so far this year I really hope more people experience it, and share their experiences with me on it. I'd love to hear what other people thought about it, and if they enjoyed it as much as I did.

Limitless Replay Value
In Depth Level Creator
Relaxing Play and Music
Fun Looking Maps and Characters
Easy Achievements
None it's a lot of content at a low price
Overall: 7.8
Tons of fun to be had with this hide and seek object game. You could play this for days, and never have to play the same map twice. Limitless content and fun.


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