"Infliction: Extended Cut"

"Infliction: Extended Cut"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Publisher: Blowfish Studios
Developer: Caustic Reality
Release Date: 2/25/2020
Price: 19.99
Platform: Xbox One X

I'm just gonna start this review by saying this is the horror game I have been waiting on. I play so many horror games, and watch so much horror it all starts to just run together and not be very memorable. Infliction is just the opposite, it's like when you come across that unexpected great horror movie, and you can't wait to tell people about it. The moment I started it I just knew it was different and special. The first person camera, and design of your home really pulls you into the game. You start to see so many items laying around the home that you can just relate to. Just a lot of films, games, food items , etc just really make you feel like this is your every day home and family. There are so many nods to classic and epic films and games as well. This really added a lot to the game as well for me. It almost felt like the first time I played "Gone Home" A really eerie vibe from the start. Where "Gone Home" actually goes a totally different way "Infliction" does not. You are right to feel scared and uneasy because the horror is very much coming your way.

I don't want to give away a lot of the story, because I also feel I gave away a little to much in my video review with the footage. You play a man coming home to look for tickets for your wife. You make your way through your normal home seeing things the typical family would see every day. Your daughters poster covered walls, and beautiful art hung by your beautiful wife.It really brings you in making you feel at home, then delivers Hell right to your door step. This game is really scary. The unease it puts you at not knowing what is coming your way is just horror perfection. It throws you into it when you least expect it as well. The main ghost will just haunt you long after you finish this game. I was checking to see if I locked my door on, and turned on a couple lights in my home after as well. The ghost is relentless there are ways to avoid her, and stop her but I'm not telling you. You can figure that out for your self. I think that is one of the most fun parts of the game, and some reviewers my spoil that for you for a few extra lines in their review, but I'm not doing it.

There are other monsters that are creepy as well, I'm glad there is more than just one, and when they aren't terrifying you the environments will as well. Things change in your home, and your also taking to other places as well that will scare you just as much as the creatures in this game. They will set you up with the unease of the things around you before the real threats arrive . I was sucked into this game from the start, and just couldn't stop playing. I played it from start to finish. I know I will be going back to it as well. I will also be looking up other people's finds to see things I might have missed.
Infliction: Extended Cut is a must own for horror fans. I was so glad to get a review copy for this. Horror has been kind of a let down of late in gaming. This certainly is not. This is with out question the best horror game of 2020. I hope more horror is on the way from Caustic reality , I hope more horror games are on the way as a whole in 2020 there just isn't enough quality ones. If you feel the same Infliction is the horror game for you. It is scary from start to finish. it never feels repetitive, and it just puts you on the edge of your seat until the final credits roll.

Realistic and Scary Environments
Great Story
Not just a bunch of jump scares
Excellent Monsters
Loaded with tributes to classic horror and gaming

Overall: 9.0
Infliction is the horror game I been waiting for for awhile. The one that makes you turn a light on and check your doors are locked. The horror game that really pulls you in, and keeps you terrified until it's over and maybe even a little while after it's over.
Video review Below:


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