Where the Bees make Honey

"Where the Bees make Honey"
Reviewed by: Carless Yen
Publisher: Whitethorn Digital
Developer: Wakefield Interactive
Platforms: Steam, PS4
I was really excited for this one when I saw the screenshots and trailer. It looked so beautiful and artistic, and the story trailer made it look like something that would deliver a interesting adventure. I was so let down though as I actually got to play it. The puzzle sections of the game were kind of enjoyable. They had a Captain Toadstool feel to them where you manipulate the map to get to collectibles and when you collect them all you advance. In Bees you try and capture three honeycombs. Those were actually fun, if the whole game was like this I think it would be a playable and enjoyable game. There is only 4 or 5 of these though. The rest are little platforming sections that are just horrible. There is one with a monster truck and one with a rabbit that may be one of the worst controls I've ever experienced in over 30 years of gaming. Feels like your trying to drive a tank on ice, it just controls horribly. You run into invisible walls,and it looks horrible compared to the rest of the game. They are really just pointless to the game, and the story. The load times are another one of the things that really hurts the game. Two and three minute loading screens between cut scenes just get so frustrating. It almost feels like the game was developed by two different people. Some of the game looks really good, then it's mediocre, then really bad it just doesn't add up. Like the Halloween section looks and feels like a totally different game.

I loved the music though. It is one of the most enjoyable parts of the game. I especially loved the Halloween section music, but it all really delivered. I have no doubt that it's without question the best part of the game. That and some of the art at times. Some of it looks really interesting , and is easy on the eye. That is one of the things that really let me down. To be so beautiful at times, then just pull a complete 360. 

Achievement hunters will find some joy in this one because you can get a easy 1000 in under a hour, the bad thing is you will have to play through it twice. You have to experience both horrible endings where they try and shove into your skull that hard work isn't the way to go, that doing what you want in life is the better route. I could believe this is their mindset after looking at the final result of this games development. I usually hate to talk bad about someone's art, but I just feel that a lot of this was just laziness. You can tell they are capable of delivering a better game then they did, because it's brilliant at times.I'm not sure maybe this was their first game, or they were just stressed for time. I don't know the story, but I know this game could have been so much better.

Pros: Beautiful at times
Music is captivating
Great voice acting
Easy Achievements
Cons: Horrible controls in sections
Way to short
Bad graphics in sections
Really bad load times

Overall: 5.0 If your an Achievement Hunter you may want to grab it cheap if not it's a hard pass. Game has more bugs then a Bee Hive.


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