Fade to Silence

"Fade to Silence"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Developer: THQ Nordic
Published By: Black Forest Games
Platforms: Steam, Xbox, PS4

I hope the quality of this review is as good as the first, because i had typed out a huge great review then hit the paste button while trying to copy it and deleted the entire thing lol. So hopefully i can pull it back from the dead like the enemy does to Ash in this game. Ash is the main character in this game, he is battling a demonic type entity that haunts his mind while also battling his environment. A post-apocalyptic winter wasteland. You must gather resources to survive, while battling the Eldritch monsters. Food, Weapons, Shelter must be found to stay alive. Your also on the hunt for survivors as well, to bring them back to your shelter and even aid you on your quest. So let's get into these aspects of the game.
Where the quality is found in Fade to Silence is in the Survival RPG elements.You have to gather resources like firewood, food , and metals. You use them to make fires, shelter, weapons, and armors. There isn't as many items to be crafted as I would have liked , but it's by far where the game stands out. Especially on console where survival games are slim pickings. Don't Starve, Conan Exiles, and 7 Days to Die are the only decent ones I can think of. Fade to Silence is better then those in that aspect though.
Combat in Fade to Silence comes up a little short. The attack you can do, and the enemy can do in return are really repetitive. I was hoping for a Dark Souls type combat system where there is plenty of weapons and attacks. Fade to Silence is just quick and heavy attack and it never really changes up much. So with that and the bad AI that gets stuck on about everything the combat system just comes off weak and uninspiring.

There is Coop mode when you rescue the survivors,as well as they can lend you aid. Both these aspects come up short as well. The AI for them is really bad to , and they get stuck on a lot of things. The Coop really needs a lot of work, because there is really no reason to help someone as your progress isn't saved, and neither are your items. You'd really just want to want to play with some one to take part in this, and really don't see many people helping strangers unless they are just really nice people. The survivors are Jin, Rhys, Vic, Rhyme, Ezra, Gani. Issa, Alice, and Tua which looks like Roman Reigns lol. There roles are as short as their names though. They have their own stories, and goals but they aren't much help.
The story is really bland as well which kind of let me down as well. It is delivered in small little cut scenes where there isn't much to see but darkness, but there is some really fine voice acting. I wish more time went into the cut scenes and story, but like I said it still holds up as a survival game.
The world is very large, but it all pretty much looks the same.. The only major difference is when you are in a blizzard, and the snow piles up and covers everything. That is very cool part of the game. I love battling weather conditions, and seeing how the map changes as the snow piles on. When it's not a blizzard though it all looks the same snow covered areas with red evil vines every where that you can purify , and make go away.

Well i don't think this review was as good as the original, but things happen. Should you buy it? If you like survival games, and your on console I definitely think so. It has a ton of replay value because your going to die a lot when you play it on normal mode. You will have to restart, so therefore your going to play it over and over. This is the only way to get Achievements. There is also a easy mode if you just want the experience, or to learn but Achievements won't be rewarded for this. So give it a try and let us know what you think of it.

Pros: Fun Survival Mode with easy option to experience it all
Nice voice acting and music
Weather/Blizzards look awesome

Cons: Weak Story
Weak Combat
Coop needs work
Area doesn't change much
AI not so great at times

Overall: 6.9 The game is one of the better survival games on console, but a lot of things come up short and need work from making it a can't miss survival title.


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