"SNK 40th Anniversary Collection"

"SNK 40th Anniversary Collection"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Developer: SNK
Platforms: Xbox, PS4, Switch, Steam

SNK 40th anniversary collection includes 28 old retro SNK games I'll list them below. They include Console and Arcade editions.
Alpha Mission,
Ikari Warriors
Ikari Warriors 2
Ikari III: The Rescue
Guerrilla War
Prehistoric Isle
Psycho Soldier
Street Smart
Victory Road
Chopper I
Munch Mobile
Sasuke vs. Commander
Time Soldiers
Bermuda Triangle
Paddle Mania
Ozma Wars
Beast Busters
SAR: Search and Rescue
World Wars
As you can see a lot of classics some games i love. SNK arcade machines used to be every where, and they made a ton of great NES games as well. This collection delivers a little bit of everything. Some are kind of a miss, but for the most part it's just a great list. Some of my favorites are. Alpha Mission, Ikari Warriors, Crystalis, Guerilla War, POW, Prehistoric Isle, Ikari Warriors is just one of those unforgettable COOP games like Jackal or Contra. Crystalis is a complete RPG title that delivers on so many aspects. POW is one of those games like Double Dragon that is a blast side scrolling beat em up. Most of these games will take you back I can see a lot of the younger generation maybe not getting into these, but retro fans who loved the old school arcade machines, and consoles will love it.
There is tons of extras as well as you can look at old ads and videos for the games, and even listen to the soundtrack. There are also really cool side borders to make up for the smaller screen size. One of the cooler new options is a rewind button. These games are certainly challenging so that rewind button comes in handy especially if you want to complete these coin grabbing arcade games for the Achievements. All the Achievements are just for completion of the games.
Is it for you? I think if you love the old school retros your gonna not be able to put this down. If you played these back in the days, or your just a video game historian you will fall in love with this. If your not into arcade and retro console games it isn't going to hold your interest. If your an Achievement hunter it might annoy you as these games aren't easy to achieve, but if you like feeling like you really earned them and like to grind for them it will be a blast.

Pros: For Retros it Looks and Feels great this Gen
Awesome Collection of bonus features
Console and Arcade versions
Cons: Few duds in the collection
Overall: 7.2 A fun collection of historic SNK titles as well as a ton of bonus features. A must own for retro fans.


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