"Steel Rats Review"

"Steel Rats Review"
Reviewed By: Carless yen
Developed By: Tate Multimedia
Platforms: PC, Xbox, PS4

Steel Rats is a pleasant surprise. Something a little different then the usual. It's like "Trials" meets "Inside" A platformer on bikes where you solve puzzlers, fight robots, while making crazy jumps and riding on walls. You fight tons of different type drones, and bosses while looking for secrets and collecting junk you can use to upgrade your characters. There are different characters to find, and they all have different skills and attacks. I loved the voice acting for all of them. Really good voice acting for a small Indie like this. Everything about it seems high quality for a small Marketplace title like this, The cut scenes are beautiful, the level design really high quality. So many positives I can say about this game. It really feels special, the only thing is the controls kind of ruin that, If the controls were more spot on, this game could have grabbed a 8.5 or maybe even a 9. The controls how ever are very frustrating. The game is challenging so when the bike does what it wants to some times it can ruin your game, and make you have to start the levels over. If you hang in there, and grind past these issues it is really worth it. I won't go into a ton of details, more can be seen in the video below.

Pros: Beautiful Cut scenes and levels
Cool idea and story
Amazing Voice acting.
Gnarly music and sounds
Rad characters and enemies.

Cons: Horrible controls at times

Overall: 7.0 Clunky controls and bike acts on it's own at times, but if you can over look this there is a hidden gem to be found here. Some thing totally different then games your used to.


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