
Reviewed by: Carless Yen
Published by: Ratalaika Games
Developed by: Somepx
Platforms: Xbox, Ps4, Vita, Switch, PC

Mekabolt you play as an theme park technician that is in search of batteries to repair the out of control robots. You use your Mekabolt the weapon your armed with to control robots to manipulate them to do what you want to solve puzzles. There is over 100 levels to be played on Mekabolt. Four different areas as well. Forest, Desert, Caves, and The command center. It's kind of strange to me there is no Theme Park that would have been really cool.
Each area has it's own different threats and enemies. Cave has falling spikes, bats, lava. The desert has blocks that disappear like quicksand making you fall, spear shooting traps, and cactus, while the forest has spikes, gunner robots, just a ton of things to get in your way. The game will test you at times, but never really gets to frustrating. You should be able to complete it in a couple of hours, and have all the achievements within thirty minutes. They are pretty much can't miss as well.They are for getting to certain areas, and running into certain enemy types. It's another easy complete game from Ratalaika.
It looks really retro as well, and the music is really cool It feels like MegaMan a little except for the point you only have one weapon type, and it is a little bit more of a puzzler. Would been cool if they threw some robot bosses in there. That would have added a lot to it in my opinion. I till very much enjoyed it though. You can't ask for much more than Ratalaika has delivered of late. Affordable games with easy completions and hours of game play. If you try it out , and enjoy it let us know. We'd love to hear more from you guys on games.

Pros: Retro look and feel
Cool classic gaming sounds and music
Variety in the areas and their traps and enemies
Affordable game with hours of play
Easy Completion

Cons: Wish had boss battles at the end of stages
Wish was a little longer

Overall: 7.4 Mekabolt is another one from Ratalaika i highly recommend for padding your gamer stats on PSN or Live. The five dollar price tag is just hard to say no to, especially when it;s good for a unforgettable evening of fun.


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