Roar! Jurassic Edition

"Roarr! Jurassic Edition"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Publisher: Klabater
Developer: Born Lucky Games
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Steam

Roarr! Jurassic Edition you play as Rex a awesome prehistoric dinosaur trying to stop an alien invasion. You battle your way through 6 different islands each with it's own unique boss battle. All the bosses are really awesome, it almost feels like a Godzilla movie as you see them tower through the environments. You play either solo or with four friends, it is mean't to be competitive, but really feels more coop. There is 26 different types of enemies , and bosses. Each is so very different and combinations of monsters and items from the world like construction cranes and ferris wheels. The entire world can be ran through and destroyed, and as you do it it charges your special power. Your special is a large power beam that explodes around you destroying everything in it's path. The beam is made up what ever your character is. If you choose the top hat dinosaur its money signs. If you use the metal dinosaur it's bolts, and so on. There it a ton of different choices of outfits for your character. I enjoyed play with them all. It's a really inexpensive fun coop experience. I really enjoyed it a lot up until the last stage. Yes it can be repetitive at times, but with friends it really doesn't bother you all that much. The only real complaint I had was the same every one else is having. The last three Achievements just won't pop the one for discovering every enemy and the one for killing a thousand enemies. I played the game up to the last boss 4 or 5 times, and it just never popped. I know I killed more then 1,000. So i started looking around, and most people that reviewed it were having the same issues. I hope they can patch this, because every negative for this game is small fixable issues. With out these issues i would have gave it over a 7. So hopefully I'll be able to update this review soon. It really is a lot fun, and worth your time and money. The only other issue is just the final stage as I said earlier. You have to fight every single boss over, then the final boss. The final boss is just so over powered he can kill you in just a couple hits, You can't really find much to charge your power up in the area, and if you hit him with a few of them it really doesn't do to much damage to him. A couple of times it even glitched out where Rex wouldn't jump so I couldn't attack him in the air. The whole last stage is just annoying, because you have to fight your way through them all and it makes it a pain to learn the final bosses game plan, or weaknesses. I've heard so many others say the same thing so hopefully they can do something to fix this as well.
I love how the game looks it has a really nice retro look to it. Reminds me of Dash of Destruction a Doritos game that was on the Xbox 360. The game has a Godzilla feel to it as well, makes you want a really good Godzilla game. How you just tear through everything, and how you see the shadows of huge enemies, and bosses in the fog ahead. It really has a monster movie feel to it. I liked the music as well. It adds atmosphere to the environment, and excitement as well. I really enjoyed so much about this game except for the few things I named. you can't have this much friends for this cheap. I really recommend this title if your looking for some thing cheap to spend a evening with your kiddos or some friends. You won't be disappointed, well not until the end at least, but i'm sure they will iron all that out soon.

Pros:Fun retro brawl and destroy game play and environments
Coop fun for hours
Radical characters, bosses, and enemies

Cons: Final stage is a hassle, final boss fight a pain
Some Achievements seem glitched at the moment

Overall: 6.5 A really inexpensive coop experience that delivers hours of fun, but comes up short a little down the stretch. Hopefully a update is coming, so we can give this game the score it deserves.

#Klabater #BornLuckyGames


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