
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Publisher: Ratalaika games
Developer: Redact Games
Platforms: Switch, PS4, XBox

In SageBrush your trying to find out more information about the the mass suicide of the Perfect Heaven cult. A cult led by Father James at the Black Sage ranch. You make your way around a An Immersive, Lo-Fi 3D World, the entire compound is a creepy atmosphere as night sets in, and you start to piece together the happenings there.There is no real threat though it's mostly just discovery. Still that doesn't mean there isn't unsettling moments as you discover horrific events. There is also a saddening and kind of feeling of disgust as you learn more and more.
The game looks pretty good, but some times especially at night kind of hard to make things out. The music offers a extra feeling of creepiness. It really helps to set the mood. The voice acting is pretty stellar. I was surprised to hear such good voice acting from a Ratalaika game. That isn't a shot at them, I'm just not used to this type of game from them. Most are little retro type games so when I started playing this I was really surprised. I hope t see more titles from them like this, but I really ,really love the retro games. Some of them really take you back to the days of Atari, NES, SNES, and Genesis.
The achievements are pretty simple, you figured this I'm sure being that it's Ratalaika. Most of the Achievements you can't miss. I would say there is maybe two or three you might not find in a standard playthrough. If you are just looking for the Achievements'Trophies using a walkthrough you can get a complete game in about 30 minutes. I recommend though just playing it out right, it's a pretty fun and interesting experience.

Overall: 7.0 SageBrush is a different experience from Ratalaika, even though the Achievements are still easy, and the game is still affordable it's just a totally different feel then their regular titles. It offers a a really good eerie story with great narration and voice acting.


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