The Final Station

"The Final Station"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
The Final Station is a side scroller from the guys that brought us the amazing game "No Time To Explain" and "Party Hard" A great little indie developer helping to keep retro feeling games available on the current gen consoles. These games are always a blast, even though lot of gamers now a days judge games on the graphics. I don't think that is fair, and causes a lot of people to miss out on these inexpensive marketplace gems. "Tetris" and "Minecraft" aren't graphic masterpieces, but hasn't stopped them from being two of the most successful game franchises in history. It is all like that saying don't judge a book by it's cover. That being said I'm not saying it is a ugly game by no means. I'm saying it is very retro looking, and to me that is kind of artistic considering today's system capabilities.I really love the look, and feel of it. I just know a lot of people will hold that appearance against it, and it really isn't fair.
How can you go wrong though with trains and zombies though? Has that even been done before? I been gaming a long time , and I can't remember those two being thrown together? Well wait there is Resident Evil Zero, but besides that I can't think of another. The whole point of the game is to get from station to station, and rescue survivors. I hate to give away a lot, because I hate when people ruin games for me. I'll just say an event caused people to become infected, and their bodies began to spurt out a black liquid, making them also became ravenous. What is left of society, is held up in train stations. You are the Conductor, and have the very important job of delivering important items as well as survivors.
The whole gameplay consists of surviving train stations, and scavenging items while hunting down survivors. There are so many people to talk to, and so many items to find it will certainly keep you on the edge of your seats especially when you find a station just flooded with ghouls. Will you find the code, to get back to the train, or will you meet your demise? It really is a interesting, and fun adventure with an enjoyable story. Only thing is, it isn't very long you can finish it right at or under 5 hours. You kinda have to expect that though from these budget indie titles. They give you about a evenings worth of entertainment, at a great value. Sometimes you even come back to them, and enjoy them all over again so really can't complain about that to much.
The design is fun and colorful, the controls are smooth and spot on, never really experienced any issues as far as glitches or freezing up. All in all it ran really well in the couple play throughs i had with it. I really understood it a lot more the second time around, really feel there should have been some kind of tutorial.Really felt kind of lost at first with it, and had no idea what I was doing, but once i caught on I was enjoying myself a ton. Sometimes it gets a little crazy , and items seem scarce, but it never stops being fair. It stays challenging, but certainly doesn't hold your hand through it.
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Pros: Interesting and Mysterious Story
Smooth controls
Artistic retro design, in a very creepy atmosphere
Cons: Missed a lot of story dealing with train maintenance.
Linear, and repetitive at times, but certainly worth a play.
Not a lot of replay value.
Overall: 7.0 You can't go wrong with trains and zombies. A adventure you really must enjoy at least once.


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