"Regions of Ruins"

"Regions of Ruins"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Platforms: Xbox,PC, Switch, PS4
Developer:Vox Games
Publisher: Poysky Productions
Release Date: Feb 5, 2018
Price: 11.99
Region of ruins is a 2D style of platformer plus town builder. It is a vast open world that really becomes more challenging to you, as well as your community as you progress. The map is hidden, and is opened up by you as you choose certain areas to discover. Each area as different building materials and other survival items.You open up the areas by spending food. Your main objective is to save prisoners, and destroy the bosses through out the area. The idea is simple, but the game offers a very nice challenge. You are a Dwarf that discovers the horrible happenings of late in your land when you come across a broken wagon and a caravan master. Your home will start with nothing but a simple campfire and a few NPCs to communicate with.
Yes the combat system is very simple. Just a basic swing of the sword, but it still is smooth and feels great cutting a enemy in half. You also get bonus points if you are able to do it stealth like from behind, It also feels very fluid traveling across the platforms. The controls of this game is really spot on , and although simple I really enjoyed the combat aspect.I feel it was a lot easier to play on console though. It was kind of a struggle on keyboard at times, but very doable.

There are so many things to find in this game we already talked about the building and survival materials but this game has a vast amount of armor as well. Some of it even has magical elements added to it. There are helmets, shields, amulets, and ring the typical RPG armor setup. Like other RPGs there are different levels of rarity by colors. The same goes for weapons. Swords do less, but move quicker, hammers more and slower but break armor. It really has the same feel as a lot of other RPGs in that area of play. You can also level up your character which is a fun grind. That is the thing about Regions of Ruins I liked more than anything the way it really calls you back to play more. It's a hard game to step away from, and when you do you can't wait to get back to it.
I loved the retro look of it all the towns, caves, and areas look so old school and unique as you travel across them. The games sounds very old school as well. I loved coming across new enemies, and creatures in the wild and discovering how to engage them. Some of the new creatures can be a huge spike in difficulty compared to others. Especially enemies like archers and slugs that hurl projectiles at you. So you must advance with caution when discovering new areas. You never know what is waiting around the corner. Maybe a giant troll waiting to gobble you up.

Retro like look and sounds
Huge map to discover
Unique building element in a RPG
Fun attack effects
So much weapons and armors to discover
Really cool enemies to come across
Combat system little to simple wish it varied a bit more
Overall: 8.2
Regions of Ruins is one of those games that is hard to put down, and hard to stay away from for long. The unique town building elements really brings something fresh to the world of RPGs.


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