Cast of the Seven Godsends – Redux

"Cast of the Seven Godsends Redux"
Reviewed By: Carless Yen
Cast of the Seven Godsends Redux is a words rolling off the tongue, but is it a lot of game? What exactly is it? we found it to be a excellent trip back to retro gaming. When you have been gaming as long as I have, there are titles that come and go. Games that make an impression and hold a place in your heart your entire life as a gamer. One of the games for me being unforgettable is "Ghouls and Ghosts"or"Ghosts and Goblins" just depends how you had played it. This game was in arcades and on consoles, and it was a true nightmare. Even with the difficulty though, it remained a blast, and left you feeling accomplished. If you have never played it I recommend adding it to your list of games to play.
Cast of the Seven Godsends Redux is a excellent trip back to this time in gaming, and a respectable nod to the game that inspired it. It looks retro, it feels it, the difficulty is cranked up, while still being possible to achieve your goals. Almost everything about this game tugs at your nostalgia if you used to game it up on the NES, Genesis, or at the arcades. The music is about the only thing that doesn't feel retro, but it still feels good, and fits in well.
The game is made up of 6 levels, all agonizing. Each level consists of a mid level, and final boss that all challenge your gaming abilities. I know 6 levels don't sound like a lot, but trust me you won't be blowing through them. You will know the levels inside and out, before you finish this one. There are different armor, weapons, and spells that can make it easier but when you die you lose them. There are checkpoints that have that Dark Souls bonfire feel to them, that leave you excited as you see them up in the distance. Just be leery of traps thrown in there, to catch you off guard sprinting for checkpoints.
The games story is retro as well, with no voice acting.Just reading like you used to have to do in games. The story won't blow you away or anything though, the main attraction is the challenge, bosses, and smooth game play. The controls are spot on, but really need to be to accomplish some of the jumps, and dodging of weapons being hurled your way. Your character has 35 magic spells, and there are 4 different difficulties so you have a lot of replay value. The achievements will have you coming back as well, cause there are a ton of them considering some are only worth 1 point. I won't lie I kind of hate that, but some of the more difficult games like to do that to troll you, and I get it. There are 42 overall though.
Iv'e heard people complain about the controls, but I had no issue picking them up quickly. I thought they were very responsive as well. I thought the art was enjoyable as well. I didn't have many complaints with this, being what it was a return to retro gaming. I love the fact games like this are still being made, despite the budgets of some of these AAA titles. It is good to have games like this, that give you a challenging and enjoyable way to spend a evening.
Pros: Challenging level design
Nostalgic Retro feel
Spot on Controls
Tons of replay value
Cons: A little Short
Annoying Achievements

Overall: 8.0 A fun retro nostalgic way to spend a evening, that makes you feel like your gaming on your NES or Gensis all over again.

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