Dungeon Punks

"Dungeon Punks"
Reviewed by: Carless
Dungeon Punks is a RPG Hack and slash with a Castle Crashers vibe to it. I found myself quickly addicted to trying to get the next weapon and shield. The weapons strength and shields protections get stronger as you level up, and have the chance to purchase more with to gold you loot as you go. You play as 6 different characters with different magic abilities, you can level up the magics as well. Each weapon has its own magic ability as well. The main characters are made up of a Knight, Troll, Werewolf, and a few others. You will get a feel for them all, and level them all up to really be successful. Your weakest link, will be your downfall. If your team isn't carrying the strongest weapons and shields possible for the level they are, you will find yourself grinding the level out a couple times.Even with this it never feels like your grinding, because every weapon, and magic has a different style,and has you looking forward to seeing what you will do next.
You make your way thru multiple levels full of enemies and bosses, even the Mothman makes an appearance. Ton of really cool and unique characters load the screen, and make the game complicating at times, especially if your under powered. Most of my heroes were level 27 when I completed the game, and the last level really was a test. I repeated it numerous times trying to find the right path to the boss, while completed the fun side quests.The game offers plenty for the inexpensive price tag. I played it non-stop for a few days, and found myself really enjoying everything it had to offer.
I wasn't blown away by the story, but it was fun. The main meat to this game to me was the fun game play, and leveling up. it even is more fun to do with a friend fighting over all of the loot. Racing for weapons, and gold, and even the health potions trying to stay alive. It really took me back to some of the old coop side scroller like TMNT or The Simpsons. It is a lot of fun, and would have really enjoyed it even more if it had Xbox Live multiplayer. Know its expensive option though, and sometimes added later if game sells well enough, so hoping others are enjoying this as well, and asking for the option.
The look and feel of this one was all done really well. great colorful art, and the music and sounds fit perfectly. Adding up to a really good product that feels like a big budget title. I would suggest this to anyone who loves Hack and Slash, or games with RPG elements. You will have a blast leveling up, and destroying enemies over and over again. The achievements are all fun, and simplistic. I enjoyed trying to get them, just was a little upset that some appear glitched like 90 points for beating the last level, even though I was levels in to New Game plus +. I'm sure it will pop soon though, seems with the One, and some these titles they don't pop right off. I'm having so much fun though, I'll be playing it again, and sure it'll pop next time I beat it.
Pros:  Fun Hack and Slash game play
          Cool weapons, magics, and leveling up
          Bright and Colorful design
          Addictive Coop
          Quality music, and sounds
          Amazing Characters and Enemies
Cons: Story never pulled me in, but still fun.
          No Online Yet
Overall: 8.6 Addicting Hack and Slash RPG game that is fun alone, but even better with a friend.
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