Colina Legacy

"Colina Legacy"
Reviewed By: Carless yen
Developer:Chance6 Studios, LLC
Publisher:Chance6 Studios, LLC
Platforms: Steam and Xbox
Colina Legacy is a Indie horror/puzzler where like Alan Wake you use a flashlight to battle off the baddies. So you have to make sure to keep it well charged because you don't know what is lurking around the next corner. You can plug your battery charger into generators and wall outlets, but you have to wait on it so be sure there isn't something in the dark waiting for you. The monsters in Colina keep you on your toes. The creature in the house reminds me a lot of the witch in Left4Dead I hated her as well. You can hear her, and you know she is near but where? Her voice is so creepy to, I loved all the voice acting in this title. Really stellar for a five dollar indie title. Everything about it really surprised me for that price point. It looks really nice that what was what caught me off guard at first. How great it looks.
You play as a kid named Alex that wakes up at his grandmother's house and no one is there. So begins your journey. Armed with just a flashlight you have to start uncovering clues to where every one has gone. These clues build the suspense, and bring the story together so well. If you just blow through it with a walk through, not reading and finding everything in the end it isn't going to make much sense. Your not going to get the same effect as if you really focused on the game. If you do should take you a few hours to beat. You can do it quicker, but it's not going to have the same impression on you, and your gonna be left with a lot of questions.
The puzzles in this game aren't super hard, but they present a challenge. I like that I'm glad they make you think a little bit. So not only am I peeking around corners, but i'm having to think a lot to. Colina's Legacy really does a number on your mind. Your always sneaking around avoiding enemies, or your looking around for them sneaking up on you. Is my flashlight charged? How far is the next outlet? Can I use it to find this clue, or should I go and charge it and come back? It really makes you think a lot, and really does what Alan Wake did not considering batteries were found every where on it.
Colina Legacy is a Indie game, a very affordable one that really delivers a lot more than you'd expect from it's price point.There is a reason most of it's reviews have been very positive, because it surpasses expectations. You don't have to wait on a sale, at five dollars it's not going to even knock a dent in your wallet. You are going to enjoy the night of entertainment you get from it for five bucks a lot more than that value meal you'd prob spend it on later. So give it a look, and as always let us know what you thought about it. Love to hear from you guys.
Pros: Looks really good, creepy atmospheres
Spooky sounds, and excellent voice acting
Very fun and affordable
Challenging and thought provoking
Really tense scary moments
Cons: Can be a little short if rushed
Overall: 7.8 Colina's Legacy is a horror game that does more than cheep jump scares. It brings a lot of thought, and challenge at a very affordable price. From keep you on the edge of your seat monster, to puzzles that put your mind to work. Alex's stressful night of trying to keep his flashlight lit, may carry over to you at home with your night light.


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