Dark Fantasy: Jigsaw Puzzle

Dark Fantasy: Jigsaw Puzzle
Reviewed by: Koder
Platform: Pc
Developer: NAISU
Publisher: NAISU
Hello! This is Koder from Gamer Guys and Gals and I will be the man to review pc for this lovely page until I get the boot. My reviews are going to be super honest and I will not sugar coat it because I may eat it. Now hunker down for this is my first time and don't be too hard on me. Also spoilers?
Dark Fantasy: Jigsaw Puzzle. It's literally what the title states. It's a jigsaw puzzle game with really nice artwork as the puzzle that's technically safe for work. Very simple menu system. You have five different modes per puzzle. From 12 pieces as the easiest, 24, 48, 96, and 192 pieces as the hardest. You are on a set time per puzzle. It also has a three-star ranking system. Once you run out of time for the three-star, you go down to two stars. Once the timer zeros out, you get one star. Upon completing your first run on any puzzle, you get an achievement. Fancy. Or simply do what I did and complete one on the hardest puzzle and obtain them all at once. Feels a bit broken when it comes to achievements. It will only display your recent score and not overall best score. Example, I tried the 12 piece puzzle and obtained three stars. Did it again and allowed the time to run own. It displays the one star on the menu. Each time you complete a puzzle, you unlock another fantasy waifu to feast your eyes on as your frantically try to beat the clock for those three stars. You can have the puzzle pieces either standard look or have the edges highlighted so you can see each piece more clearly. I personally preferred the pieces highlighted because I am still getting used to wearing contacts and it made my life a whole lot easier.
The only issue that I have found is that you don't really need to have the piece at the exact location for it to be placed. As if the game is holding your hand pulling it where it needs to be. I'm several pixels off and the game is like, I got you bro! Let me do the rest for you and place it where it needs to be. I understand that is needed in a jigsaw puzzle game but at least made the tugging area smaller in larger puzzles. Now with the auto placement of the pieces in mind, I decided to perform the guess spam strategy. Mistakes were made with my mouse that I can customize the fire button to the amount of click per one click. Six times per one click to be exact while playing. Even with that caused a simple game to lag and made my cursor rubber band across the screen. I did, however, complete a 192 piece puzzle and got two stars with that system. That is the only complaint besides how easy it is to obtain achievements.
Pros: Simple and non-punishing game. The eye candy is a bonus.
Cons: Placing pieces feel like they're doing it for you. At the same time, you can't really do much with a jigsaw puzzle game without the auto-placement needed.
Score: 7/10
Overall, this is just a time killer jigsaw puzzle game with fantasy women as your puzzle pieces. The game-play is very simple and the menu is very simple. Placing the pieces are not difficult at all even on the 192 piece puzzle. The images were pleasing to the eyes and I really dig the artwork. The puzzles that is. The menu and everything else is basic. I sometimes enjoy playing simple games to clear my mind and theirs nothing wrong with that. It's a jigsaw puzzle game. They've been around way before I became a thing. Just with this game, you don't have to worry about cleaning it up. Unlike the jigsaw puzzles, your parents use to put together. If you are looking for something simple to clear your mind. I highly recommend. If you want something that is a challenge. I still recommend it but it's not everyone's cup of tea.


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